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Spring 2024 Christian Educators' and Church Leaders' Conference
March 11, 2024 at 4:00:00 PM
By Rev. Dennis Grant
On Monday, March 11, 2024, at 8:13 am with the sounding of the gavel President Reginald M. Buckley officially declared the opening of the 2024 Spring Session at the Natchez Convention & Conference Center. The Natchez Grand serves as the host hotel.
Session Theme: Following Him
Messengers from constituent churches across the State converged on the River City ready for three days of classes, seminars, workshops, and worship.
Dr. George Parks of Baltimore, MD, and Dr. D Z Cofield of Dallas TX, served as guest lecturers and preachers during the morning plenary and worship services. Their teachings were on target and their preaching was timely as they addressed pastors, ministers, and the convention's parent body.
Evening worship was held at Pilgrim MB Church with 1st VP Melvin White serving as host pastor.
The highlight of Monday evening was the awarding of Dr Hickman M. Johnson with the Presidential Medal of Honor for 50 plus years of service as pastor, and former President of the Mississippi Baptist Seminary. After a successful ministry of service, Dr. Johnson will be retiring from Farish St. Baptist Church.
Tuesday morning saw another first for our convention as President Buckley and members of the executive cabinet along with Representatives from the Mississippi Department of Archives and History and the architectural firm of Waycaster & Associates took the stage for the signing of a Contract to begin the work in the restoration of Huddleston Chapel on the campus of Natchez College.
This project which began under the leadership of past President Dr. Isiac Jackson, is a testimony of the convention's commitment to continue to tell our story for generations to come.
President Buckley was on tap to preach for the evening worship service and as always he was in rare form as he proclaimed the word of God. His message was convicting, convincing, and converting. We are grateful to God to be led by a President who loves to preach and lives what he preaches.
The Spring Session closed with a sermon from Rev. Eric Dickey, moderator-elect of the Gulf Coast Missionary Baptist Association.
Join us July 22-25 for the Annual Session at Greater Pearlie Grove MB Church, Jackson MS.